Best Facials - Beverly Hills
Ronit Falevitch is a clinically trained-aesthetician who’s studied with a top group of dermatologists and plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills. Not only was Falevitch listed as one of the top beauty pros in the country by W Magazine and by THR, she was voted as one of the best aestheticians in L.A. by Fox 11 news (Lisa's LA).
She is recommended on Yelp and social media by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Glen Vallecillos, Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Jennifer Ahdout, lifestyle-journalist Merle Ginsberg, and many media-savvy clients.
Ronit Falevitch's twenty two years experience using the best and most effective techniques with state of the art technology, in her private studio on Camden Drive, in the heart of Beverly Hills, adjacent to Mr. Chow, makes her a top pro in a city of skin pro’s. Her various training seminars with the tops in the business have been under the tutelage of Le Roach Posay, Skinceuticals, Environ, PCA skin, Valmont Switzerland, Image skincare, Dr. Schramic green peel, Dermalogica, Ca Botana International, and more. In her private studio, she sells only the best and most current products that she’s tested herself for many years.